
28 July 2014

sea-water in my veins

We are seafolk, long lost from the sea.
Though our feet may now trod and root into Earth
It is the briny liquid that courses through our veins
It is the siren song of the tides that makes our souls sing
We return to the sea each year, to Manannan mac Lir
We tempt the fierceness of the womb from which we sprung.
Our bodies cradle by ocean, warmed by the Sun and sung to by the wind
We rest our bodies to the gentle evening lullabye and are reborn on the new day.
We sit once again rooted, staring out over the undulating waves
At peace, connected and one with the Goddess.

~Stephanie Lowell-Libby, 2007

24 July 2014

Wanted.....writers and contributors for new digital pagan magazine

September should be bringing the first issue of a new online magazine. This has been seven years in the making and I am VERY excited to see it materializing!

This is clearly a labor of love, for now there is no money made off of it.  Much like my old, rather neglected, site Hearth and Home Witchery, I love to share knowledge with the masses, and not profit off of it.  That being said I am a single mother whose child went through cancer treatment for 2 1/2 years and is in follow up for 5 years so that was a huge hit on my finances so if I can make a few bucks here and there, I won't say now.  However, as of right now this magazine will be an 8 issues a year publication, free for digital viewing.  I plan to purchase software to make magazine creation easier in the near future so I will consider ad space for sale to offset that cost.  But that is down the road and the purpose of this post is to put out feelers for any writers wanting to contribute.  This magazine is to reflect living an earth centred, magical life...not just practicing your path here and there but living it.  I am looking for pagans, heathens, etc of varied paths to write of their practices and how they incorporate it into every day life. Original craft ideas, recipes, writings of topics relevant to our paths...Also looking for teens who are interested in sharing their paths.

Also book reviews!  With so many pagan-targeted books out there we need honest feedback!  Have books you love or hate?  please consider reviewing them for the magazine!

If you are interested please email me at mutableblue(at)yahoo(dot)com and we can talk it over

20 July 2014

Faery Messages

So much has changed since I last wrote, I've moved back to an area I adore.  I am rebuilding my magical life with my beautiful girl Pixie alongside.  The creative process is churning and swirling and I have so many ideas I am trying organize and implement; it's rather like herding cats!  This evening as I sat in a swirling of creative brainstorming I happened to look up and glance out the window and across the backyard was the most beautiful doe peeking back at me.  It was such an exhilarating and magical moment for me, I was so happy and excited.  I have been looking out the windows along the back of the house for the last month since we moved, expecting to see a deer out there because I could *feel* the deer energy.
Deer, for me, speak to my Celtic soul (and ancestry).  When I see them an electric charge of excitement surges through me, it is such a profound and magical moment for me.  I find them to vibe strongly with faery energy and magic, I love it.

Seeing this beautiful girl has given me the energetic shove to move forward in the creative pursuits I have been thinking a lot about this year.  The first project has been the creation of my new photography page, Two Broomsticks Photography, on FB.  I am returning once again to my photography and selling some of my prints.  The next project is currently in the early stages, I am hoping to reveal it by the Autumn Equinox, so stay tuned! ;)