"I am the daughter of Earth and Water, And the nursling of the Sky; I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores; I change, but I cannot die." ~Percy Bysshe Shelley
13 October 2011
Calling all Intuitives, Psychics, etc.
So I have a question for anyone who has more fine tuned intuition/psychic abilities. While out through here (Pixie and her cousins call this place "The Realm") to take photos in the back property I was overtaken by this very odd feeling. It scared me and though I have not ruled out low blood sugar or low blood pressure I have found that once I returned to the house it cleared up. It is a bit difficult to describe but it was like I could no longer focus my eyes, it was an almost forced tunnel vision, it reminds me of how I see in dreams-unable to focus directly on anything. I was getting scared, thought maybe I was on the verge of a stroke or something. So my question is, if you are psychic or highly intuitive have you ever experienced anything like this?
Yes and usually it means there is a lot of chaotic energy. Focus on your feet becoming roots so you'll be grounded. It always helps me.