
12 October 2011

Day 16-44 Days of Witchery-Favourite witchy website(s).

This has been a tough one for me, I've been avoiding finishing it all day. The internet has changed a lot over the years and the websites I loved 5 to 10 years ago have faded away and been replaced with slick, blurby websites.  The only site that has really stood the test of time is Witchvox, it's a great site but not a favorite of mine.  So, for Day 16 I'll share a few websites I still love even though they are no longer updated.

Gruenwold Cottage-This is Lora Craig-Gaddis' website.  She is the creative genius behind Pooka Pages Magazine (formerly known as Pooka's Sandbox).  She is a spectacular artist and a wonderful witch whom I have known for almost ten years.  Pixie still loves her creations and we have several pieces of her artwork which we adore. 

The other is my own site, Hearth and Home Witchery.  With the exception of the pagan blogs page, this site has not been updated in years however it is celebrating it's 10 year anniversary this month!  I began building this site in the evenings after Pixie would go to sleep and my love of sharing ideas and such led to the site which I still love.

This post is part of the 44 Days of Witchery

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